Vltava 24 with Funky FlyTying

Leden 29, 2019 - 10:28 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1380227 I have been working hard for the last two weeks as we have the deadline for reports from our projects in the end of January, so the cold weather and the high flow in the Vltava river did not mind me. But, today at three in the morning, I finished the last report and sent it to my colleagues for the last check, I was sleeping till ten, next I arranged some other important things, and at about half past one after lunch, I noticed bright sunshine penetrating the heavy cloud cover. It was the best impulse to stop everything, to pack my fly fishing gear and despite the the high flow to head to the river. Honza and Franta could not join me, so I was there alone. The flow was about 28 m3/s, but the water was relatively clear, no problem for a fisherman of my figure, and I decided to try a team of the jig-blobs which I recently tied from the fritz which I got from my friend Toby Merigan, Funky Flytying.

p1380200 I saved blank by the third cast …. and in one hour and half, I had 10 takes, I touched 7 fish, and the last one I touched relatively strongly to the head and invited him for dinner :-)   Franta visited me on the way home from work, he arrived just in the time when I was finishing my fishing. He made the photo of the last fish and he asked me to lent my rod for few casts while I was changing my clothes … and he caught two trouts from the bank :-)

Just now I´m studying comments from my colleagues in the reports, it will be again a long night …..

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