
I had been thinking about a website for relatively long time as I have a lot of friends abroad and I sometimes catch a nice fish or make an interesting  picture and I would like to share it with others. In Facebook there is not enough place for stories. I also organise fly-fishing events and the last impulse to create this web was that Karel Křivanec asked me to take over the organisation of the fly-fishing courses. So in the year 2012 I decided to prepare my own website focused on my fly-fishing activities including the courses and I will try to keep my resolution to put there regularly fresh posts.

Some personal info

I graduated at Charles University in Prague at Faculty of Nature Science at the Department of Hydro-biology and Ecology. I continued my studies at University of South Bohemia where I defended PhD. thesis aimed on the migration of fish between Římov reservoir and inflow river. Next I worked at Vltava River Authority in the Department of water management planning and since 2009 I have been working in a private company VRV.a.s.  as the expert on hydro-biology, fish ecology and nature protection. I worked part time as the fisheries manager in South Bohemia Board of the Czech Angling Union in years 2001 – 2017. I live in České Budějovice, capital of the South Bohemia.

I started fishing as a coarse fisherman in age of about 10 and I spent my childhood at Lipno lake and Vltava river in Český Krumlov. One of my teachers from the University introduced me to Milan Janus and it was start of my fly-fishing carrier. I also started competing, I participated as judge or organiser at all fly-fishing championships which have took part in the Czech Republic. I help with organisation of fly-fishing competitions mainly in South Bohemia and also with organisation of fly-fishing courses. I cooperated with Karel on his famous book “Czech Nymph and Other Related Flyfishing Methods”, I made majority of pictures.
As the active fly-fishing competitor I fish in Hanák team and I focus more on local competitions. Although I prefer fishing in rivers during my leasure time, my personal best results were 2nd place in the Czech Lake Fly-fishing Championship 2010 and I also achieved few placements on the stage at lake boat competitions in England, the best was 2nd place in Lexus Championship heat held in Stocks and victory in Pitsford heat.  In subsequent years 2014, 2015 and 2016, I won three-times May Cup in Květoňov lake and I was third in the Svatováclavský cup Hanák open in  the same lake in 2014. In 2016, I was second in Kežmarská Zlatná cup in Slovakia in April and I was third in Knapek Hooks Open in Ostrava in October.

In rivers, I gained bronze medal in Hanák Open 2009 as well as in Rožmberský cup 2013 which are the two most evaluated competitions in South Bohemia and regularly host top Czech competitors, in 2016 we were 5 th in the Hanák Open with my friends Jiří and Míla and sixth in 2019. In 2018, I was second in the South Bohemia River Championship, I won with my friends Big River Race in Váh river in Slovakia and Erik Eikre Invitational held in Glomma River, Norway.

I have organised as the “International organiser” several FIPS MOUCHE  fly-fishing events, the 17th European Fly-fishing Championship 2011,  the 34th World Fly-fishing Championship 2014, the 24th European Fly-fishing Championship 2018 and 18th Youth World Championship 2019, all of them in are of Rožmberk and Květoňov. We brought some inventions to the FIPS Mouche events, for example rotation during individual sessions and boat sector from anchored boats.

Nowadays I a little reduce competitions as I have children and I would like to spend more time with them and moreover I  found, that I have no time for fishing in my favourite home waters due to competitions somewhere in the opposite part of our country.


Some personal pictures

Seasonal greetings

Scientific and professional publications

Hladík M., Kubečka J., Matěnová V., Matěna J., 1998: Populační dynamika cejna velkého v nádrži Římov (Population dynamic of bream Abramis brama in the Ŕímov Reservoir), In Mikešová, J. (red): Sborník referátů z III. České ichtyologické konference. Výzkumný ústav rybářský a hydrobiologický JU, Vodňany, 117 – 123. (in Czech with English summary)

Hladík M., Kubečka J. a kol., 2002, Zkušenosti z lovu ryb do obřích vězenců v přítokové části nádrže Římov (Giant traps for fishing in the inflow-zone of the Římov Reservoir), In Spurný P., (ed.), 2002, The 5th Czech Conference of Ichthyology, Proceedings of the international conference, Brno, Czech Republic, Sept. 25-26, 2002, Mendel Univ. Of Agriculture & Forestry, 126-131 (in Czech with English summary)

Kubečka J., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Vašek M., Čech M., Hladík M., Draštík V. & Matěna J. 2002. Diversity of adult fish in different habitats of the Římov Reservoir. – In Lusk S., Lusková V. & Halačka K. (eds.), Biodiversity of fishes in the Czech Republic (IV), Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, 109-112 (in Czech with English summary)

Hladík M. & Kubečka J. 2003. Fish migration between a temperate reservoir and its main tributary. Hydrobiologia. 504: 251-266.

Hladík M. & Kubečka J.: 2004. The effect of water level fluctuation on tributary spawning migration of reservoir fish. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4.

Vašek M., Kubečka J., Peterka J., Čech M., Hladík M., Prchalová M. & Frouzová J. 2004, Longitudinal and Vertical Spatial Gradients in the Distribution of Fish within a Canyon-Shaped Reservoir. Internationale Revue gesamten Hydrobiologie. 89: 352-362.

Peterka J., Vašek M., Kubečka J., Hladík M. & Hohausová E., 2004, Drift of juveniles after riverine spawning of fishes from the Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4.

Hladík M., Kubečka J., Mrkvička T., Čech M., Draštík V.,  Frouzová J., Hohausová1 E., Matěna J.. Matěnová V., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Prchalová1 M., Vašek M., 2008, Effects of the construction of a reservoir on the fish assemblage in an inflow river, Czech J. Anim. Sci., 53, 2008 (12): 537–547

Prchalova M. Kubečka J., Říha M., Litvín R., Čech M., Frouzová J., Hladík M., Hohausová E., Peterka J., Vašek M., 2008, Overestimation of percid fishes (Percidae) in gillnet sampling,  Fisheries Research 91 79–87

Říha M., Kubečka J., Mrkvička T., Prchalová M., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hladík M., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2008). Dependence of beach seine net efficiency on net length and diel period. Aquatic Living Resources 21(4): 411-418. IF=0.667

Říha M., Kubečka  J., Vašek M., Seďa J., Mrkvička T., Prchalová M., Matěna J., Hladík M., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Kratochvíll M., Peterka J. & Tušer M. (2009). Long-term development of fish populations in the Římov Reservoir. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16, 121-129. IF=1.264

Hladík Milan, Koterová Vendula, Kartáčový rybí přechod – Perspektivní technologie pro podporu podmínek migrace vodních živočichů na tocích v České republice. Vodní hospodářství, VH 2009/6, str. 224-227

Vait Jiří, Hladík Milan, Kartáčové rybí přechody, Vodohospodářský bulletin ČSVH 2011

M. Říha, M. Hladík, T. Mrkvička, M. Prchalová, M. Čech, V. Draštík, J. Frouzová, T. Jůza, M. Kratochvíl, J. Peterka, M. Vašek, J. Kubečka , 2013, Post-spawning dispersal of tributary spawning fish species to a reservoir system, Folia Zoologica. 01/2013;

Randák a kol., Rybářství ve volných vodách, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod Jihočeské university v Českých Budějovicích, 434 str., 1. vydání, ISBN 978 – 80 – 87437 – 49 – 0, rok vydání 2013

Hladík M., 2014, Zkušenosti se zaváděním nových přístupů k hospodaření na pstruhových revírech JčÚS ČRS, Sborník konference: Současný stav a možnosti zlepšení populace lipana podhorního a pstruha obecného, 4. – 5. října 2014, Hotel Studánka, Letovisko Studánka 505, 516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou;

Hladík M., 2014, Zkušenosti z prvního roku fungování trofejního pstruhového revíru Vltava 24 nad Českými Budějovicemi, Sborník konference: Současný stav a možnosti zlepšení populace lipana podhorního a pstruha obecného, 4. – 5. října 2014, Hotel Studánka, Letovisko Studánka 505, 516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou;

Hladík M., Viskot M., Migrace ryb na úseku Dyje mezi nádržemi Znojmo a Vranov a mezi nádrží Lipno a řekou Vltavou, Vodní hospodářství, VH 2014/8, str. 28-30;

Hladík M., a kol., Seminář k zprůchodnění migračních překážek ve vodních tocích organizovaný při příležitosti 100. zasedání Komise pro rybí přechody při Agentuře ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR, Vodní hospodářství, VH 2014/11, str. 59-60;

Randák a kol., Rybářství ve volných vodách, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod Jihočeské university v Českých Budějovicích, 434 str., 2. vydání, ISBN 978 – 80 – 87437 – 49 – 0, rok vydání 2015