Ohře River, River of Rivers
I visited Ohře River last weekend of November. Milan Janus called this river “River of rivers” as it is the biggest trout river in the Czech Republic which flows from Nechranice Reservoir, its water is relatively cold as the reservoir is deep and it is full of nutrients, the river is therefore full of weed and it hosts a lot of food for trout. It is the only river in our country, where you can regularly catch a brown trout over 50 cm. Almost everybody of my friends has already visited this river this season, but I found time at least now at the end of the season. I asked my friends from České Budějovice for some advice and I also called local otters Ondra and Venca.
I arrived at about 11 o´clock and Ondra and Venca were waiting for me and they took care of me like a baby, I was gifted by successful flies (local version of PTN jigs) and brunch, they shoved me best places and let me go first. We caught about 40 fish between us, mostly browns, the best fish attacked 50 cm as you can see on pictures, I caught only two fish of about 40 cm. We caught also few rainbows, small brook trout and grayling. Not a bad day in the very end of the season, hopefully I will come again next year.
It is great that local angling authority in cooperation with fishermen’s initiative introduced relatively strict rules of fishing (protection of brown trout and grayling) , proceeds regular stocking and mainly cooperates with hunters in fight against cormorants. More big browns in river means better natural reproduction, which is key. Well done.
The last picture I made for my kids to show them how is produced hop, the green gold of the Czech Republic and the essential ingredient of our beer