Opening day on Vltava 24
We usually open fly-fishing season in Vltava 24 on January 1st, but this year it was impossible due to flood. Discharge in the Vltava had been high since Christmas and it culminated at 160 m3/s, our flies are not heavy enough for this conditions
But the discharge was purposefully decreased due to a verification of the flood damages in the town of Český Krumlov from last weekend for three days. Together with relatively nice weather this was the right impulse to start this fishing season and also to check the condition of the fish stock after the flood. Fishing was great, rainbows survived the flood without problems, the were exactly where I expected them to be, and they weren’t shy thanks to minimal fishing pressure during last weeks. I managed two visits, one with Honza and Tobi and the second one with Jakub from which are also the pictures. I caught over 20 rainbows together, 5 trouts had over 2 kg and the biggest one had 62 cm and 3,8 kg, all fish were in a great condition. My friends were also successful. I even saw one hatching big stonefly and Tobi and Honza saw few rising fish.
We have short rest just now as the water is high again, but we expect next decrease of flow in the end of February and this will be hopefully also start of the dry fly season due to the hatch of stonefly.