CNFW 2013 – Autumn
September course was one of the best in memory. Newcomers perfectly fit into a team consisting of good old friends and more over fishing conditions were fantastic. Typical autumnal changeable and relative cold weather caused intensive rise of olives in all waters every day. Brown trout was feeding before spawning time and 200 kg of rainbows which we stocked to Vltava 27 before the course spread along the whole fishery, we found few strongly fighting fish in every suitable deeper place. Within our project aimed on reintroduction of grayling to Vltava river, we stocked about 50 000 of one-year-old fish and 500 of older in May. After flood in June, they dispersed from places of stocking along all weed-beds from Vyšší Brod to Český Krumlov, they doubled their weight and it was possible to catch them both on nymphs and dries. The course was finished by competition called Rožmberský cup on Saturday and four attendants tried to face Czech anglers including our guides and me. As guides we invited Pavel Chyba, Jiří Pejchar, Michal Adamčík and Karel Křivanec.
First people came already on Friday, the only problem was to arrange transport for Nick from England who landed in Prague at 7 p.m., but I found an evening coach from Prague to Český Krumlov and asked owner of the hotel Romantik to pick him up there and he was at 1 a.m. in bed. I only followed his journey by text messages from hotel in Slovakia.
Rob, Ludwik and Richard came also on Friday and they took Nick to Vltava 29 Trophy on Saturday and they caught a lot of nice trout and some brook trout. Marc arrived on Saturday evening and all group decided to go to Vltava 33 on Sunday. Other people arrived during Sunday Septemeber 15th, Karel brought his shop, I brought cask of beer, Eirik and Glen from Norway brought Jeremiah from Canada, Rudi brought German/Switzerland group and also Robert and Chandra from England arrived all right and we all 14 attendants and our staff met in Restaurant Adler at dinner. After short introduction lecture we agreed plan for the week: whole day fishing and every evening fly-tying lesson.
On Monday 16th we were fishing in Vltava 27 under hotel, we always start there as there is a lot of fish, if somebody needs, can go back to Hotel, we can prepare leaders and other things, and first day is always a lot of things to arrange, so it is a little free programme. We could check fishing skills of our new friends and our guides showed to everybody new composition of our nymphing leaders and proper nymphing technique. In the afternoon I took Chandra, Robert, Jeremiah and Norwegian guys to Vltava 28. Trouts stayed mainly along the banks and edges and we found out that they took all patterns of nymphs, but key factor was the size of the fly, the best size was 16. In the evening we had first fly-tying lesson, this day by Jiří.
From Tuesday 17th we spread to all waters, I prepared schedule, that I made groups by 3-4 people and all groups could fish all waters and meet all guides. I started with Robert, Chandra and Marc in Malše, this small stream requires fishing upstream with two nymphs only, 0,10 tippet and keeping lower silhouette, our reward were abundant wild browns and graylings. Two groups which had whole day trip to Šumava National Park were also satisfied. Fly-tying lesson by Michael finished almost at midnight.
On Wednesday 18th I was fishing Vltava 27 with Ludwig, Rob, Richard and Nick, we moved a little downstream from Rožmberk, brown trout, grayling, rainbow, chub and dice were in every suitable place of water, we caught fish both in shallows and deeper pools, but the best were edges of weed-beds because it is more easy to read water in shallows and to cast to the best places and to effectively cover water. Fish were also in depth and there were bigger fish, but it required more patience. Fish were rising in waves, so we caught some fish also on dries, Nick found a nice pool full of rainbows later in the afternoon and we enjoyed also screaming reels. It is necessary to mention great lunch in Rybářská bašta. Heavy rain during Wednesday evening increased flow upper Vltava and this water was unfishable for rest of the week. Fly tying lesson by Pavel was again interesting, world champion is world champion.
Thursday morning I spent with Jeremiah, Eirik and Glen again in Vltava 27, all three guys planed to attend competition on Saturday and to practice Vltava 27, so I taught them planing of the beat, reading of water and also fishing with dry fly, both down and upstream. After great lunch in Lesanka pub in Vyšší Brod we moved to upper part of Malše, a little higher water after rain causes great fishing conditions, we caught nice graylings. I was fishing after guys and I caught a lot of fish which they did not like
We also enjoyed a littler mushrooming, but I´m afraid, that the most unforgettable experience were prostitutes catching clients along the main road from Czech to Austria. I had to refuse the Eirik´s request to stop and ask one of them for group picture, I liked my health and car and did not risk incident with her “manager”
On Thursday evening I came out with an innovation, I took our group for an evening visit of Český Krumlov and I ordered dinner in Gipsy pub which is owned by my friend Milan. I spent there a lot of nights when I was young as I´m from Č. Krumlov. Eirik thanks for the authentic picture
On Friday I returned with the old friends group to Vltava 27, we moved again a little far downstream, we caught a lot of rainbows, graylings and coarse fish, brown is rear in this stretch. Very effective was downstream fishing with small gold-heads and wet flies, mainly in slowly flowing water. In the evening we had small celebration and I had to thank all attendants for their great approach and for nice fishing week, we prepared for everybody “participation diplomas”. Next we started preparation for competition including some tying of effective patterns, I presented my favourite nymphs and dry olives size 18.