Warm Vltava, grayling paradise
Fifteen years ago, we had problem with decline of catches of grayling. I established minimal size limit for grayling of 40 cm to support natural reproduction of fish in rivers. And it is absolutely without doubts, that this is the best method of management. In rivers, where are conditions suitable for natural reproduction, the grayling population restored quickly, I don´t need some serious research to prove the results, I go fishing there
. However, I organised also scientific project aimed on the dynamic of fish stock in the Warm Vltava above Lipno lake, if I find a time, I would make an article about it.
But I can write few articles about my personal “scientific” surveys with fly fishing rod in hand during last autumn, I´m going to start from the latest visits. One sunny November day, I was there with Jiří. We were walking trough the meadows and “ananas fields”, it was really exhausting, but fishing was worth to withstand it. When we arrived to river, I saw few rising fish, Jiří decided to fish dry fly whole day and disappeared downstream. After few cats with dry fly I recognised that it is not the right recipe. So I tried few casts with squirmy worm, again without any effect. So I finally moved to nymphing with small nymphs size 16 with pink, golden or orange beads and fish started to cooperate. I caught 14 fish, three browns, four graylings of size +-38 cm and the rest were smaller graylings of about 30 cm. What a nice day.
In October, I visited graylings few times with Honza and GoPro camera, I´m going to learn how to edit movies this weekend.