CNFW 2012

Červen 20, 2012 - 8:43 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

cnfw2012   cnfw2012d The first course under my organization is over and I hope that everybody enjoyed it. We had 24 participants from Belgium, Germany, Holland, England, Austria, Hungary and South Africa. You can find one difference between the two pictures :-)


Before we started

We faced some problems before the workshop. Karel was hospitalised for cardiac surgery just before to course, he got two bypasses, but  he was all right after the surgery and he visited us, so it is good and he is keeping well, good luck Karel.

I attended team-building in Austria during the weekend just before the workshop and I injured by back during white-water rafting, I spend whole course on 4 ibuprofen pills daily…

Adrian from South Africa had attended World Fly fishing Championship in Slovenia before the workshop and he was travelling to Rožmberk already on Sunday. I found relatively comfortable train connection from Ljubljana for him and arranged transport from Rybnik station, which is about 10 km far from Rožmberk, but he did not arrived … so I called to hotel in Slovenia and they told me, that he left hotel in the morning for train … more over, by the way from Austria I had call from Marc Sonc, which was caught over-speeding by Police in Germany and they withdrew him driving licence … you can imagine, how he looked forward to workshop as he was going 190 km/hour in the stretch with 120 limit  …  Mark finally found flight to Linz airpot on Monday and I arranged transport to Rožmberk for him, but they lost his luggage …  luggage was delivered to Rožmberk on Tuesday … and I had call from hotel Růže Rožmberk at lunch time on Monday, that Adrian appeared there. He asked conductors in train in Germany to help with transfers few times, but he got wrong info, so he arrived to Munchen, he complained and he got ticket in first call  for free to Rybnik and he was there on Monday morning. He had no Czech currency and his mobile phone did not worked, so he was walking with luggage the 10 km to Rožmberk :-)

Day1 - Thuesday 12. June

By the journey to Rožmberk I had to visit hospital for injection … but everybody including all members of our team was  in Rožmberk at 18:00 and we could open the course. We had good team, Martin, Luboš, Pavel and Michal belongs to the absolutely top fly-fishermen in Czech.  After dinner we had introductory lecture after few beers we went to bets as we started in the early morning.

Day 2 – Wednesday 13. June

We had breakfast  at 7 and we had demonstration of nymphing techniques  in Rožmberk  in the morning and next all attendants can fish together with guides. In cooperation with South Bohemian Board of Czech Angling Union, it was was stocked 200 kg of nice rainbows to the catch & release stretch in Rožmberk before the course, so everybody caught good fish. Franta Hanak supplied 10 special nymphing rods and everybody can test it and finally to buy it with 50% discount, which was very appreciated and all rods were sold. The only problem was, that water increased after night rain and it was muddy, so river was  unfishable at about lunch time .

After lunch we spread in the fishery Vltava 29 including Trophy part, fish were active and everybody caught nice browns and some brook trouts.

In the evening started fly-tying lessons, every member of our team had duty for one evening and I have to say, that they shoved some patterns, which I as their rival could never see :-) Martin had first lesson and the top of the evening were jigs with CDC hackle and olive emergers size 18.

Day 3 – Thursday 14. June

All rivers were still high and we spend whole day in fishery Vltava 29, which flows from lake and therefore is there stable flow and clear water whole year. In lower parts were caught also rainbows and coarse fish, we tested different types of nymphing and also dry-fly as fish were rising whole day. It started to be warmer and no more rain was expected and rivers were getting lower. Vltava in Vyšší Brod was also cleaner and some attendants decided to try evening hatch, fish were actively rising, but fishing was tricky, they could not find a right pattern. Luboš leaded tying lesson and he shoved also some secret patterns for lake fishing. Adrian had book full of notes, I guess that if the WFCH would have took part after the workshop, Adrian could have finised at least in top 50.

Day 4 – Friday 15.June

Martin came up with great idea to sent three groups to whole day trip to Volyňka river, which is a litlle far from Rožmberk, but it was already fishable and it is full of fish. Rob told me, that he probably caught 100 fish. I got pictures from Rudy, thank you.

Me and Michal were fishing with two Belgian groups in Vltava 28 and Trophy part at Vltava 29. Fishing was good, we again tested nymphs and also dries.

During great lunch in Lesanka Pub in Vyšší Brod, we  had also short language course, as river was full of rafts at lunch time and my friends asked me, for what they are asked and what to answer :-) :

Question from raft: “Berou? “(does the fish take?)

Answer:  1) if there are nice girls inside: “Moc ne, tak koukám na kozy” (nothing special, so I´m looking at breasts
2) if no girl is inside and raft is already downstream: “Jdi do píči” (fuck you)

We found dragon flies just hatching at the stone in the middle of the river, so I´m adding some pictures

We went for evening rise to trophy part at Vltava 29, I have no too much pictures, we simply had no time to make pictures and everybody caught a lot of fish including browns and brook trouts over 40 cm, simply one of the best days in the year. I finished with Dirk at place, where the mouth of the big pool was dammed by a fallen three. 4 fish were rising in the windows between sunken wings. We caught all of them, and after 5 minutes another 4 fish were rising. We caught them … and after 5 minutes were there another  4 fish … they simply waited in lines for the best places in the pool and for our flies :-)

Day 5 - Saturday 16.June

Smaller rivers were already good, so we sent three groups to whole day trip  to Vltava 33 and I took with Michal two groups to Malše river. Vltava was clear but a little red (from peat) and high, very good were smaller gold-head nymphs and also dry fly, all people caught also grayling. I have no pictures from the trip to Vltava34, so I found some of them in my archive.

Malše was also good, it was only very hot and some people decided to go to hotel after two hours of fishing. In the evening we had grill party, I prepared new diplomas for everybody and Marc Sonc got cake as he celebrated his birthday.

Day 6 – Sunday 17.June

Last day we spent in Vltava 27  in Rožmberk, which was already fishable and fish were hungry, Michal even caught rainbow with another fly in the mouth. Some people also visited trophy part at Vltava 29 and finished with evening hatch in Rožmberk.

Accommodation and other things

In my opinion, the only problem was dinners, everybody could choice from 4 meals but it was difficult to organise it and it was also difficult for chef to cook it, next year everybody will have same menu. Closing grill party was perfect, lunches were great and also hotel was good. Jürgen called Dentist as he is dentist asked me, why the hotel staff cleans rooms every day. I answered, that they know fishermen and they know that after two days are rooms uncleanable  :-)  He told me, that he dumped some flies to floor in the morning and he found all flies folded on white napkin :-)

In the hotel Romantic is no pub, so I brought keg of Czech traditional beer for fly-tying evenings. But I underestimated Belgian and German groups and 100 beers was away already second evening … but in the hotel was good supply of bottled beer :-)

I hope, that everybody enjoined the week and learned something, thanks to everybody for great approach, thanks to guides for great work and we can look forward to next year. You can book date 11.-16.June 2013. Tight Lines !!!


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