Posts Tagged ‘book’

A Passion for Trout

Únor 6, 2012 - 10:27 pm No Comments

cover My friend Mick O´Farrel published very interesting book titled “A Passion for Trout” last year, which covers his long term experience from fishing for trout both in rivers and lakes. I met Mick few years ago, when we were boat partners during Grand Final of  Lexus International competition held at Chew Valley lake. Mick is Irishman, but he has been living in England for a long time and he has applied experience from fishing for brown trout in Irish lakes to reservoirs in UK and he has created his own original stile of flies and fly-fishing methods. When all anglers fish for rainbows with blobs, he has the same success with dabblers and diawlbachs. Book is richly illustrated and mainly more than 400 pictures of flies tied by himself are fantastic. Each fly is illustrated with colour photography and each has a precise and detailed recipe to make sure that the reader can tie the fly exactly as he intended and in doing so enjoy the same success.
I can highly recommend this book to everybody interested in fly fishing and fly-tying. More info you can find at