Červenec 29, 2013 - 7:50 am
I was wondering if the stocked rainbow are able to overcome the flow about 500 m3/s. After the flow decreased, we stocked 600 kg fresh rainbow trout and about one week I found time to visit the fishery. I made universal cast for stock mixed both from older and fresh stocked fish, nymhs on the upper dropper and in the point and orange jig blob in the middle. Fresh fish preferred the blob, but I caught also some older fish, which is good news. Stocked fish stayed in pools but older fish moved to the riffles as the water was relatively warm. Fishing was great, first day I caught 17 fish in two hours and the second day when I took also Bruno we caught about 40 fish, I had some interesting experiences.
I was going along the bank and I saw a shadow in a small pool under the bank, so I casted and watched the blob, the shadow moved and the blob “switched off” , so I struck and … on the hook was shaking chub what an amazing fly.
I caught three older fish consequently in one place by the “T-shirt”, I thing, that they were attracted by the blob, but they did not take it and they were hooked by the point fly.
I used relatively heavy nymphs which were jumping on the bottom and I was striking only solid takes. I was surprised, that if I released one fish I found out that it had two nymphs in the mouth. So the fish took the point fly at first and next saw the blob, so it was swimming downstream and took the blob and turned back, then I noticed take and struck… I’m wondering how many takes on nymph we miss…
Another new thing was that I was watching my lake fly-box and I noticed different colours of blobs we use in England. So I made black jig blob for the river fishing and it was working. I have theory, that the stocked rainbows don’t learn what to eat, but what not to eat. So first day they take only moving and bright things, next they found out, that this things are painful, so they start to eat only naturally drifting things e.g. leafs, catkins … and nymphs with bright beads, next they found, that things with gold and silver bead are also dangerous, so they accept only cooper or black beads … Some of them who are lucky and survive become to be really clever and take only really well presented dry flies, wet flies or Czech nymphs or sometimes naturally looking streamers imitating fry. Fishermen with spinning rods have usually no chance this time except of specialists with nano-leaders and small smag on jig hook with tungsten beads.
Last week I met Roman Heimlich in Vltava 24. He is getting better after serious knee injury and he is preparing for the European championship taking place in Slovakia in September. He was fishing “competition style” with finer leader and smaller flies on fine sharp hooks, he caught a lot of fish, but only coarse fish. He hooked two rainbows, but lost both of them. I was fishing 0,16 Hanak Competition fluocarbon, three jigs on HC hook size 12, I had only four solid takes as smaller fish could not take the big flies, but all four rainbows were in the net. I found older fish in riffles a little downstream from the town.