Second half of summer on Lipno lake
Covid restrictions limited travelling this summer, so apart from our trip to Slovakia we were staying at Lipno Lake for the whole summer. I visited a river a few times, but I focused more on the predatory fish in Lipno Lake. I was fishing both with artificial lures and on a life or dead bait, I preferred fishing with a dead bite on the Drahkowitch system. I caught many zander, few pike and perch and also one decent asp, I thing, that I have never returned without a fish. But one day was exceptional, I was fishing on life roach and bleak and had few takes from smaller zander. Smaller zander rarely takes fish seriously and runs away like a bigger fish (size limit of bite fish is 15 cm), it only sinks floater, stays on place, and releases the bite and again. If you strike immediately, you usually miss or has the fish hooked in jaws and you can release it without a serious injury. So I caught two small zander and also missed few takes, so I had the last life bite fish – roach of about 18 cm, so I used a bigger floater and released the fish to the lake. After one minute, the floater sunk by about 15 cm, I thought that it is work of the life bite, but it moved slowly and sunk deeper, so I expected again a small zander, so I struck and what was my surprise when I felt a big resistance, fish was heavy and I could not pull it from the depth, I estimated zander of 1 metre, but finally after about 10 minutes I saw a decent pike jumped from water, I was lucky as it not smashed my 0,30 mm mono tipped without wire, it had 90 cm. It spat out the dead bait fish, so I decided to give the bait fish another chance and cast it back to water. After 5 minutes, I caught 65 cm zander on it and could go home, some days are happy days
We also enjoined a lot of windsurfing, mainly in the end of August and in September, it is a pity that we could not go to Lefkada this year, hopefully next year will be OK.