Posts Tagged ‘Lipno’

Winter came without warning, so winter sports are on the agenda

Prosinec 10, 2023 - 10:41 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

Winter came without warning, it started with heavy snowfall, when it fell as much as 70 cm of snow per day, then came frosts over -15°C, and after a week it warmed up again, but we managed all the winter activities, so it can be spring again :-)

First I had to go to save our floating island on Lipno Lake, which was apparently cut off by some poacher, it was quite fun in the snowfall, especially when our boat engine broke down in the middle of frozen Lipno. But we managed it, we disassembled it and stored it on the shore, where it will wait until spring.

We also went to Lipno with Blanka and managed to skate, cross country ski and snow windsurf in one day, no one got hurt, so it was very successful trip :-)

I also found one afternoon for Vltava 24, it was not easy, water is low and clear and fishing pressure is high, I had not so many takes, but if you don’t blank, it’s not a bad day.

Summer on Lipno Lake

Červenec 31, 2022 - 10:05 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1150382 I always focus on zander in Lipno Lake during summer, this year the zander fishing was not good, but windsurfing, carp fishing and mushrooming was not bad, there are some pictures :-)

The Opening Day

Duben 18, 2022 - 9:26 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1040842 Some of my friends asked me last week where  I would going at the opening day of the season. April 16th is the opening day in our trout waters. My answer was, that I opened this season on January 1st as Vltava 24 offers great fishing whole year around. I don´t like the  rush along our trout waters during the first weekend of the season. On Saturday the 16th morning, I looked out of the window, it was cloudy and 5°C, I made breakfast for my wife and returned to bed. Next we were watching a ladies tennis match between Czech rep. and UK which we won :-) . At the lunchtime, the weather improved a little so I decided to visit Vltava 24, discharge in the river was low, maybe it could show up a hatch of something.

When I arrived at the river, my friend Honza, owner of the local restaurant, had just finished grilling of chickens, so I started my fishing trip with half of the chicken, coffee and small Pilsner, not a bad start.  During the lunch, I talked with other fishermen who came to the pub to warm up after the morning session, all of them caught something, and they told me, that morning was very cold and very busy, they estimated at least 20 people fishing in the stretch in the town.

I decided to visit lower part of the fishery, maybe there could be still some fish from last Autumn. I was welcomed by a massive hatch of the spring olives and by Sun which had just broken through the clouds. I was fishing for about an hour and a half, and I caught 5 nice overwintered fish in size 45 – 60 cm, all of them were in the great condition, but all of them had some injuries from predators, probably from otter.

Rest of the weekend we spent at our cottage at the Lipno Lake with whole family, I prepared windsurfing gear for incoming season, we also underwent some Easter customs (painting of eggs, making of whip, carolling, drinking, overeating …) and I also tried carp fishing and I made some pictures of yachtsmen and of the spring nature.

Winter windsurfing on the Lipno Lake

Únor 14, 2022 - 10:02 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1120759 Fly fishing is not the only winter sport which I like. I constructed home made Ice-Snow-Wind Board (or sledge), I was studying Google and YouTube, I was soaking experiences from our colleagues from Canada and Russia, and next I exchanged old ski for a bottle of wine with my friend and visited OBI to buy all components and I made the board in our living room during one evening. Last weekend we were testing it on the Lipno Lake, which was frozen by solid layer of glassy ice, and the test was successful. If there had been a little more windy and a if a small layer of snow had lay on the ice, it could be fantastic.

But, some fishing wouldn´t be bad, we will see what this week brings :-)

December fishing and Xmas time

Leden 15, 2021 - 9:59 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1030429 In the first half of December we were facing Covid, but luckily we caught a mild version, so I had one day fever and chills and next I was OK. So I still had time in the second half of the month to visit Vltava 24, sometimes alone, sometimes with Honza or Tobi, I caught every time 4-6 trouts in one hour and half, few fish had over 50 cm. I also tried spinning rod and used different baits and streamers and I caught few smaller pike. It was nice, I´m always satisfied if I catch at least one fish in this time of the year. Weather was relatively mild, but after Xmas it cooled down and during my last visit, the river was very cold, on the surface was floating ice and I had not any single take. Not a bad closing day of the year :-)

But my friend Tobi was very successful in December, in one week he caught three fish over 90 cm on a twister, one pike of 115 cm, one carp of 90 cm and another pike over 90 cm. Franta Hanák added nice barbel, I borrowed pictures from their FB profiles.

During Xmas holiday we visited our weekend house at Lipno Lake, we enjoyed ice skating and I made nice pictures of ice floes washed ashore, and what was my surprise, that there was a smaller place without ice on the surface and there was a fishing boat on it, are they brave or mad? :-) We call them patients :-)

Second half of summer on Lipno lake

Říjen 4, 2020 - 3:55 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

Covid restrictions limited travelling this summer, so apart from our trip to Slovakia we were staying at Lipno Lake for the whole summer. I visited a river a few times, but I focused more on the predatory fish in Lipno Lake. I was fishing both with artificial lures and on a life or dead bait, I preferred fishing with a dead bite on the Drahkowitch system. I caught many zander, few pike and perch and also one decent asp, I thing, that I have never returned without a fish. But one day was exceptional, I was fishing on life roach and bleak and had few takes from smaller zander. Smaller zander rarely takes fish seriously and runs away like a bigger fish (size limit of bite fish is 15 cm), it only sinks floater, stays on place, and releases the bite and again. If you strike immediately, you usually miss or has the fish hooked in jaws and you can release it without a serious injury. So I caught two small zander and also missed few takes, so I had the last life bite fish  – roach of about 18 cm, so I used a bigger floater and released the fish to the lake.  After one minute, the floater sunk by about 15 cm, I thought that it is work of the life bite, but it moved slowly and sunk deeper, so I expected again a small zander, so I struck and what was my surprise when I felt a big resistance, fish was heavy and I could not pull it from the depth, I estimated zander of 1 metre, but finally after about 10 minutes I saw a decent pike jumped from water, I was lucky as it not smashed my 0,30 mm mono tipped without wire,  it had 90 cm. It spat out the dead bait fish, so I decided to give the bait fish another chance and cast it back to water. After 5 minutes, I caught 65 cm zander on it and could go home, some days are happy days :-)

We also enjoined a lot of windsurfing, mainly in the end of August and in September, it is a pity  that we could not go to Lefkada this year, hopefully next year will be OK.

Summer on the Lipno Lake

Červen 30, 2020 - 7:16 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

1 In summer, we usually stay at Lipno Lake as I work on my research projects, and there is also windy and fishing is also great there … So we have a lot of fun, windsurfing, carp-fishing, zander-fishing, beach partying, and also some trout fishing, but this in the next post :-)


Still-water autumn – Lipno

Prosinec 6, 2014 - 9:23 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1150411 The fishing season is almost over and it is time to a little remember this autumn. I tried few times to catch a carp in Lipno lake and surprisingly I was successful. I started to fish from bank with long rods and bait droppers, I caught few roach, bream and small carp, but it was not ideal. I asked my friends specialists on float-fishing and they recommended me a system with slider float and maggots. I bought everything in Franta´s shop and looked forward to weekend. Weather was nice and warm, on surface were only fine riffles. It was very exiting as I discovered something new. I prepared two rods, made big balls from sand, soil and cereal meal and went by boat for about 100 metres from bank. I anchored and I also anchored small buoy to mark feeding ground about five metres far from boat. I started with pre – baiting and next I had to measure depth of water and to weight floats. It took some time to balance weight and distance between hook and float. Next I opened the plastic box with swarming maggots (the box had been in our fridge without been detected for three days :-)) and surprisingly they were not slimy. I put four-five maggots on hooks and casted both rods to the feeding ground. In the lake was slow current, so it was necessary to recast every 2 minutes, with two rods it was like carousel. First take came very soon, the float shook at first a little, and next slowly sunk, I struck and first fish was on hook. It was roach, next I caught few breams (the float jumped up during take) and also few carps. Two carps of the length of about 50 cm followed me home to remember us upcoming Christmas time, as schnitzel from carp is traditional Czech menu during Eve.  It was definitely different and exiting fishing with fine equipment comparing the ledgering with heavy rods and bait droppers when in fact fish caught themselves. With kites-flying nice weekend. Great new stile of fishing and an opportunity to learn new vocabulary, I have special Czech – English Fishing Dictionary :-)


Září 9, 2013 - 11:35 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

lipno I was asked by my friends Bruno and Christoph to help with organisation of international spinning competition taking place in Lipno lake last weekend. It was two days competition of teams composed by two fisherman in one boat, only artificial baits were allowed, all caught fish are photographed on gauge and released and there were evaluated biggest perch, pike and zander in every day for every team, so in optimal situation the team had 6 eligible fish. Total sum of lengths of this fish was counted.
It was hard  fishing, fish did not take to much and it was sunny and windy, it was caught 216 fish in total: 91 perch, 91 zander and 34 pike. The biggest eligible fish was pike of 76 cm, it was also caught catfish off length about 130 cm and few asp.
I was thinking, that fly fishermen are crazy, but this guys have the same blood :-) Full cars of equipment, whole day in boat, in the pub almost till morning. Maybe I will attend as competitor in the future. More info and results you can find here or on Facebook. Congratulation to Christoph and Bruno for great idea and great organisation.

Summer holiday at Lipno lake

Červenec 14, 2013 - 8:35 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

romantic evening on Lipno I had holiday with my family during first two weeks of July, we stayed at our cottage at Lipno lake and I made also some fishing. I was fishing Vltava above the Lipno lake with Honza Vender, but we caught only coarse fish and few graylings, I thing, that grayling moved upstream because of intensive run of coarse fish from the lake. I also visited Vltava 28, Vltava 29 and Vltava 24, but I will make separate posts.
In fact, I had no much time to pay attention to Lipno lake, but I can write two things.
I found out how to catch asp praying on the small fry along the banks. They were not selective and ate also numerous terrestrials falling on the surface and buzzers. I found out a lethal method, I made set-up from three big black glass-buzzers with green-holo rib and red-holo cheeks on midge tip line, I was wading to the lake about 10 metres far from bank and waiting for an asp attack. After the fish attacked fry in shallow water in casting distance, I casted behind the fish and closed its way back to the deep water, I used quick figures of eight and the take was strong pull, almost like in England.  More over I found, that smoked asp is delicious, so I thing, that they will have a difficult time … first day I noticed 7 fish praying close my shipyard and after one week, there were only 3  :-)
One day I was fishing for zander with Bruno and we had no any take, Bruno said, that it happens once a year :-) Next day, when I was on trip with children and he caught 12 fish…
I bought new echo-sounder to find interesting structures on the bottom which helps during zander-fishing. First day I decided to test some ruined houses on the bottom close to opposite bank of the lake, I marked them on the old military map, found them using GPS and anchored in casting distance. You can see the form,er houses on picture below. the blue area is present are of Lipno lake, on the right side you can see the pristine river bed of Vltava river.
old mapIn the first place I caught small pike (you maybe noticed the orange blob in the tail of the bait :-) ), in the next place I tried several types of wobblers and rubber baits, but I had no take. So I decided to move, I casted wobbler behind the ruin and started rowing to try trolling on the way to the next place. The brake of the reel began to sign immediately and I was thinking that I got stuck as the resistance did not moved, after few seconds I felt slow pull and my heart almost stopped, it had to be a good fish. When I saw decent zander with the wobbler in the mouth after few minutes, I imagined nice steaks, and fish probably sensed the danger and made quick swipe to side and it was gone … At the next ruin I found a slope falling from 2 to 5 metres. I let a big rubber bait sinking along the slope and when it stopped, I struck and after few minutes another zander was finally in the net. I put it to the keep-net and rowed to next place. But the cord was probably rotten and the fish ran away with the net, hope it was able to escape … I decided not to chance my luck more an went home …