Rožmberský cup 2021
I was looking forward to our home cup under the Rožmberk Castle, we had have not so many competitions this year, and I didn’t even go fishing during the summer, and if I did, I went to Vltava 24, and that’s a bit different fishing.
I had day of on Friday, so I prepared some things for the competition in the morning, and along the way to Rožmberk I found a suitable place in river to practice a nymph and a dry-dropper for an hour, so together with always good dry fly I had three tried and tested rods. I had nice walk with Jája and Šeďa during preparation of pegs, then I prepared my database for evaluation of results and finally I visited Vlasta, Tom and other guys for great steak and few beers. I thing, that preparation was not underestimated.
In the first round I gained first place with 22 fish on the peg A1, I was a little bit lucky, as my biggest brown trout was by one centimetre bigger than a chub caught by Terka who also caught 22 fish. I was fishing only with nymphs and majority of fish I brought from the three pools at the opposite bank, it was a little hard work, but it paid of, Martin who was fishing next round after me caught only 6 fish.
In the next round I went to A6, where Terka was fishing in the morning and Máca caught 12 fish in the second round. I found big three in the water at the opposite bank and between its branches I caught majority of my 13 fish, which brought me second place in the session and overall leadership after two sessions. I was fishing mainly dry dropper and nymph with 2-size rod and 0,8 mm tippet.
After the lunch break, in my last round, luck a little turned its back on me, when I caught 6 fish, but unfortunately it was enough for only sixth place in the session. The session was very tough, the dace, which I lost one minute after the start of the session, would bring me third place in the session and the first place overall, so I finished fifth, which I can consider as success in the current concurrence of young competitors, but victory would have been better . It was caught 993 fish, which is not bad, but occurrence of brow trout and rainbow trout was really low and we have to focus on the management of his nice water in next years.
Unfortunately, we made one big mistake in the evaluation of results and Ondra Švanda would have been second, but I made new trophy for him and gave it to him as surprise during price giving at Hanák Open next week.