It was great that after one year break caused by Covid restrictions we could organise our famous cup. Unfortunately, some of foreign team still could not come, but we will keep place for them next year. We met with all of our friends on Friday evening in our traditional base in Herbertov, and after the opening meeting and draw we had many things to talk, maybe too many
I was controlling Tonda and Milda in the first session, It was great opportunity for me to watch Tonda fishing, it is not a coincidence, that he is world champion. My lads were not fishing badly, but 43 fish was not enough to better place than 4th, and in this round we lost chance for medal as one place higher was accessible. In the afternoon session, I was fishing with Patrik, we had maybe the best place in the sector D, more over the team before us was not fishing well in the first session, so the victory in this session was almost obligatory, we caught 44 fish and we used and practised all rods, nymph, dry-dropper, streamer and also the dry fly. For the Sunday session we moved to sector B to the peg with island, I was fishing with Jiří, we started at the bottom-end of the peg, I was fishing with 2-size Hanák Superlight rod, 0,08 mm tippet and nymphs size 20. In 10 minutes we had 12 fish in the scoring card and it looked great, but it a little slowed down later, we lost some fish, and finally we gained second place in the session, again, one place better was not impossible. Overall we finished fourth, one place after third team with more fish caught … but it is sport, in this competition with so many good teams, you must fishing great without mistake in all the three rounds to get a medal, maybe next time
Results including catch statistic you can find in the Hanák Open page.
I was invited by Igor to his podcast series after the competition, we spend nice afternoon in his car, if somebody wants to listen 3,5 hours talk about fishing, organisation of events and competitions, here is link