One guided day with Andreas
I was very busy in spring, but I found time for one guided day with Andreas, beginner fly-fisherman from Passau, Germany. It was a nice day, we caught fish on nymph, dry-dropper system and also on dry fly. During the nymphing session, I was first at the river as Andreas was something tangling, and I did not resist to try a cast to my favourite pool before demonstration of the technique for him … and it was mistake, a rainbow of about two kilos took the nymph, jumped twice and smashed my leader just under the indicator, 0,12 mm tippet was not enough the rule of thumb for guides says that never cast when the client can’t see you, because you’re always lucky on the first cast only !!!!! Next arrived Andreas, found me just making a new leader, the story about the big fish didn’t sound very believable and I could not catch anything at least for next 10 minutes But finally we enjoyed the day, we caught about 50 fish together, and he caught fish on all techniques. I guess that the most educating moment was, that I sat down on the bank and I let him fish a nice pool first and next I shoved him where he left fish He promised to return in Autumn.