Vltava 24 in Boršov

Srpen 17, 2012 - 11:19 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1010848 I had no time for some longer fishing trip, so I visited twice trophy water Vltava 24. First day I was there with Roman Heimlich. Roman is member of Czech A team, but he injured knee during skiing in March and he had surgery in May. Therefore he missed World Championship in Slovenia, the knee is still not all right, so I asked my classmate, who is specialist on knees, to look at it. Visit of doctor was successfully, Roman only needs more time for re-convalescence. And in the afternoon we went for fishing, Roman was only sitting on bank and making pictures, hopefully he will be OK soon. He did not believed, that I fish with nymphs with 0,18 leader and some fish sometimes snaps it. Water was muddy, so I used bigger flies size 10. I hooked six rainbows in one and half hour, all of them jumped like salmons. The last one had 58 cm and 2,5 kg. Transparency of water was about 1 m and all fish were in this depth, I caught all of them in the area of 10 square meters in the mouth of a big pool. As fish could not see properly in this “coffe” (we call these conditions “Orinoco”) , it was necessary to put flies as close to position of fish as possible, so I thoroughly filtered the best places in the pool. Finally Roman, who fishes mainly Volyňka river and has usually the strongest nylon of 0,14 mm diameter in his pockets and mainly fish nymphs with 0,10 leader, understood that 0,18 leader is appropriate in Vltava 24 :-)

One week later was water more clear, so I looked for good fishing, we met in Boršov with another friend Pusťa. After 30 minutes without take I changed leader to 0,16 and 0,14. Next I caught 3 rainbows, one brown and few coarse fish including perch, roach, dace, chub in one hour, so the diameter of leader probably played important role. It was necessary to fish with long leader and upstream and with nymphs size 14-12. I like this fish, they were stocked in May and they are absolutely clear, full finned and they faith very hard.



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