Masters team of Switzerland
We are organising World Ladies, Masters and Youth Fly fishing Championships next year and first teams arrived to practice the competition waters. First were fishermen from Switzerland, we were fishing all parts of the Vltava River and also the Malše River, we were practising different techniques and also movement in the river a strategy during the competition
And now the right version Three friends from Switzerland who are in “masters” age and who had attended our workshops before, arrived to enjoy fishing in our beautiful waters as every year, I joined them for two half-day sessions, one day we were fishing in Vyšší Brod and in Rožmberk, there were freshly stocked fish, so it was easy fishing, but I found some interesting things. The stock was mixed from rainbow trout of two sizes and brook trout, fish were in great condition. Brook trout stayed almost in the place of stocking, middle size rainbows spread both up and down stream, and the big rainbows of about 50 cm moved upstream just under the fast current from the canoe-pass.
Second day we visited Malše river, I was happy that the natural fish stock was in a good condition, it was composed mainly by brown trout, but we caught also grayling, occasionally white fish. As it was the day, when the European Championship in Portugal was in the final round, I also tried to compete and I counted fish in one hour session, I caught 23 fish over 20 cm, lost two, in a stretch of about 100 metres. Not a bad view for oncoming championships.