Posts Tagged ‘Malše’

Finland Ladies

Červen 16, 2023 - 10:10 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1070097 Finland ladies asked me to help with organisation of the short practice trip before the World Championship 2024. We spent also one day fishing together, I took them to Malše River as I plan to prepare one or two sectors for the Ladies Championship on this river. I don’t thing that it will be safe for them in Devils Stones, I will let Devils Stones for the Masters :-) We started in the lower part nearby village Pořešín and to be honest I was really wondering what it would be like as I had not been fishing this part for ages. I was surprised that it was not bad, conditions were ideal, water was a little higher after rain, weather was warm and cloudy, and river hosted mixed fish stock composed by brown trout occupying ripples and cyprinid fish (chub, dace, roach, bleak) living in slower places, we caught fish on nymphs, wets and also on dries, we caught few chub of 40 cm, biggest trout had about 30 cm. After lunch at new Kebab takeaway we moved upstream to Skoronice, the girls tried a small intra-team race and I moved upstream, I was fishing only with dry-fly and I caught mostly brown trout and also occasionally grayling. I had to leave at about 5 p.m as my daughter Anna had a concert at the music school, but Franta took care of the girls and invited them to dinner, we always share work inside of the Hanák Team :-)

Masters team of Switzerland

Květen 30, 2023 - 3:47 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

p1070067 We are organising World Ladies, Masters and Youth Fly fishing Championships next year and first teams arrived to practice the competition waters. First were fishermen from Switzerland, we were fishing all parts of the Vltava River and also the Malše River, we were practising different techniques and also movement in the river a strategy during the competition :-)

And now the right version :-) Three friends from Switzerland who are in “masters” age and who had attended our workshops before, arrived to enjoy fishing in our beautiful waters as every year, I joined them for two half-day sessions, one day we were fishing in Vyšší Brod and in Rožmberk, there were freshly stocked fish, so it was easy fishing, but I found some interesting things. The stock was mixed from rainbow trout of two sizes and brook trout, fish were in great condition. Brook trout stayed almost in the place of stocking, middle size rainbows spread both up and down stream, and the big rainbows of about 50 cm moved upstream just under the fast current from the canoe-pass.

Second day we visited Malše river, I was happy that the natural fish stock was in a good condition, it was composed mainly by brown trout, but we caught also grayling, occasionally white fish. As it was the day, when the European Championship in Portugal was in the final round, I also tried to compete and I counted fish in one hour session, I caught 23 fish over 20 cm, lost two, in a stretch of about 100 metres. Not a bad view for oncoming championships.

CNFW June 2015

Červen 23, 2015 - 8:46 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

cnfw2015 Workshop is over and I can say that it was one of the best event in memory. We had no any problem and we really enjoyed the week, we caught many many fish. After development taking few years we get to the almost ideal schedule, moreover I prepared few improvements for this year.

At first, we worked a little with Chef of the Hotel Růže on the evening menu and it was great. We decided to present local food, and it is definitely not rice, pasta or chicken. In the Czech Republic, we produce beef, pork, potatoes, ducks and some vegetable and we love soups and beer ….  we started with steak from honest beef from Šumava mountains followed by schnitzel on Monday, pork chop on onion sauce on Tuesday, pork steak on mushroom sauce on Wednesday, and the menu was crowned on Friday evening by roast duck with dumplings and red cabbage. cnfw077 For Thursday evening, I prepared small surprise, when we came from fishing, we were awaited by grilled pig. During lunches, we as usually visited Rybářská bašta, Lesanka in Vyšší Brod , Pizzeria in Kaplice, and during whole day trips we simply bought lunch packets. I thing that is enough about meal as introduction.

I also prepared nice present, wooden fly box with logo of workshop and map of warm Vltava in the second side. I brought two kegs of non-filtered lager made by my good friend in his small bravery, which was also very appreciated.

We hosted 15 attendants from Belgium, England, Germany, South Africa and USA, team was composed by Jiří Pejchar, Martin Musil, Roman Heimlich and Karel Křivanec, on Sunday came also Michal to meet old friends and fish one day together. Few people arrived already sooner, but we officially started on Sunday evening by opening of Karel´s  shop and keg of beer. After dinner we had  short introduction lecture and we started with some fly tying and as majority of attendants were our long-term friends we had a lot to talk. I divided people to the two groups (UK + SA and Belg + Ger + USA) always with two guides and we changed groups and guides after two days.

cnfw025 Monday we spent in Rožmberk, for Hendrik and Iwan from South Africa was also interesting experience to help with stocking of rainbows. Fishing was not bad, but fresh fish a little improved catching rate and tested quality of tipped materials. Under weir we caught some marked graylings which had been stocked 3 km downstream one month ago.

On Monday evening came heavy storm and therefore we spent Tuesday in Vyšší Brod and Devil stones, where the water was relatively clear. I thing, that mainly for newcomers was demonstration and practising of nymphing technique very useful, not only casting technique, but also reading of water and movement in water during fishing in different types of river. I was lucky that I got few nice fish during demonstration. Trophy part in Devil stones is annually stocked by nice brook trout and for some people was it the first possibility to meet this interesting fish. This is the only fishery in South Bohemia, where brook trout remains after stocking and moreover is able to reproduce.

From Wednesday, the flow in rivers was gradually decreasing and we visited also Malše and Černá rivers, relatively small streams with wild brown trout and grayling. Nice tactic used Ben and Mark, they were fishing one rod with dry fly and they were changing by every fish. I joined the party with my rod with dry fly/nymph set-up and we were rotating :-) Mark managed fishing and smoking together. In Malše, we make some small competition, Ben was fishing nymphs and I was fishing wets and we found out, that we are not able to catch anything one after another :-) As the water was a little muddy, the wet fly worked well.

We were also fishing during evening hatch in Vyšší Brod and it was superb. There is a lot of small browns, but it was possible to catch fish of about 30 cm. I started with green sedge, next fish preferred Yellow Sally and finally big brown sedge with orange tag.

We also visited Warm Vltava, we were in Horní Vltavice, the water was clear but still red as it flows from peat-bogs in mountains. It was nice day in pure nature and we caught also few nice fish, I found good graylings in the most steep currents, I was fishing with czech nymph on the point and small pheasant tail nymph on dropper. Big surprise was shoal of bleak which migrated from Lipno lake. Thousands and thousands of different cyprinid fish migrating annually from Lipno lake became big problem for pristine salmonid fish stock, I´m leader of a big scientific project aimed on evaluation of this affect.

UK team was leaving on Saturday early morning at 5 a.m., so I also got up to say them goodbye (and to see red lights :-) and Stefan also woke up to go fishing with me. Out of the blue, in front of the hotel stopped Taxi with Martin and Roman returning from a Disco in Vyšší Brod, Martin a little staggering and Roman with a nice black eye :-)  So we were transporting them to beds and went fishing. I promised to our kind house-lady a fish for lunch. I got one chance, as I hooked rainbow of about 1 kg, but I had chance only during first 2 seconds where the fish was surprised, next I was only  spectator, at first the angry fish flew past Stefan and jumped in rifles 20 metres upstream from me, next returned back to the pool and next headed to opposite bank and snapped my leader between stones …

Thanks to all attendants for nice and friendly atmosphere and hope to see you next time.





Kevin and Grant

Říjen 24, 2013 - 8:50 pm Komentáře nejsou povoleny

afternoon-sun_0 I´m a little ill so I found some time to sort out photos and to make reports from my recent fishing trips.
My friends Kevin and Grant from England came again for one week holiday after workshop. They stayed in Penzion Romantik in Rožmberk. On Monday Morning I was helping with stocking of fish to Vltava river before Hanák Open Competition and we met at about lunch time. I took them a little downstream from Rožmberk and we really enjoyed fishing of grayling, brown trout, rainbow and coarse fish during nice warm sunny afternoon, it was so warm that Kevin decided to a little swim :-) As Vltava river was a little busy before competition, mainly foreign teams took it seriously this year and came in advance to practice,  we went to Malše River for whole day on Tuesday. We parked at an abandoned scout camp at the bank of the river and started fishing from cars upstream. Fishing was fantastic but not easy as the water was low and crystal clear. We started with nymphs and most fish were concentrated in deeper parts, but they stayed also in riffles and shallows. Great was again pool under footbridge, however the bridge was washed away by flood in May. In one place, there were rising graylings in relatively calm stretch and it was impossible to catch them on nymph. So I changed reel, prepare dry fly with 5 metres  long tapered leader with tippet from 0,9 mm Hanák Competition Fluorocarbon and put one grey emerger size 20 to the point.  Fish were rising about 10 metres upstream. I get down on knees and after some foiled casts I presented fly about 1 meter above the first fish. I saw fish moving to side, watching the and returning back. I tried another fish with same effect, so I changed pattern ….. after I tried 5 patterns and caught only few squirrels I selected one palmer from Lukáš Pazderník size 20 with orange tag, which is always my choice for hopeless situations. After the fly touched down on surface above one fish, I could see, that fish at first became to be little nervous and next started forward and grabbed the fly. I got another three same graylings and lost one, sometimes proper pattern is important and proper imitation of real insect is not the right choice. It was nice practice for oncoming competitions.
For lunch we returned back to cars and my friends surprised me by great picnic, I tested sandwich with crisps for the first time in my life :-)
After lunch we went about 2 km downstream on the path, Grant was amassed by numerous mushrooms growing everywhere :-) on the way back to car I picked up pockets in my vest full of them. At five I had to go home and next day to work and my friends continued to Warm Vltava for the rest of the week.
I cooked at home a Czech speciality from mushrooms – put butter and sliced alien on pan, after few minutes add sliced mushrooms (the best is mixture of different species) and fry it for few minutes, next add a little water, salt and pinch of cumin and cover plate and stew it for about 20 minutes, next add eggs and scramble everything, serve with bread and tomato salad.

CNM 2010

Leden 26, 2012 - 11:00 am No Comments

We had again “Benelux” group which was enlarged by Gerald Purinton from USA, Jänö Kiss from Hungary and returning Finish guy Kai and we started cooperation with Rudi Kopf, who brought “German” group. Problem was relatively high flow in all rivers after heavy rain, but fishing was good.

I remember one day in the Vltava 33. I was fishing with Paul Canning from England, fishing was not bad, but also nothing special. Very nice experience was a hutch of big stoneflies, which always flew up all together in approximately one hour intervals; it was amazing to see so many big flies looking like helicopters in the air. But fish were absolutely apathetic. We were resting on the bank and suddenly I heard rising fish somewhere underfoot. I raised my head out from grass and I saw a small ring close to the bank behind a big stone. Since I knew this place, I expected good grayling. I took out nymphs from my French leader and put sedge to the point. Casting was not easy with this system, but it worked,  Paul called it “French dapping”. Problem was that the fish was not interested in my flies and took continuously something different. I tried about 10 flies without any success and next I saw a small black stonefly sitting on the surface in front of fish and fish took it. I found one small black sedge with peacock body in my box and casted it one and half meter above the fish. We both were watching, what would happen. When the fly reached to the fish territory, nice grayling did not wait and took it seriously … and snapped my leader, which was probably damaged during nymphing. I found another same fly in my box and gave it to Paul as a memory for this nice day. Later I fortunately caught another good grayling and Paul could make a few pictures.

One early foggy morning we were fishing in the river under the hotel with Kai, Paul and Rudi, Rudi got big rainbow from bank on streamer and had to run after the fish downstream. Me and Kai were nymphing under the weir and we got a lot of fish, as this place was not fished during past days because of high flow.