Kevin and Grant
I´m a little ill so I found some time to sort out photos and to make reports from my recent fishing trips.
My friends Kevin and Grant from England came again for one week holiday after workshop. They stayed in Penzion Romantik in Rožmberk. On Monday Morning I was helping with stocking of fish to Vltava river before Hanák Open Competition and we met at about lunch time. I took them a little downstream from Rožmberk and we really enjoyed fishing of grayling, brown trout, rainbow and coarse fish during nice warm sunny afternoon, it was so warm that Kevin decided to a little swim As Vltava river was a little busy before competition, mainly foreign teams took it seriously this year and came in advance to practice, we went to Malše River for whole day on Tuesday. We parked at an abandoned scout camp at the bank of the river and started fishing from cars upstream. Fishing was fantastic but not easy as the water was low and crystal clear. We started with nymphs and most fish were concentrated in deeper parts, but they stayed also in riffles and shallows. Great was again pool under footbridge, however the bridge was washed away by flood in May. In one place, there were rising graylings in relatively calm stretch and it was impossible to catch them on nymph. So I changed reel, prepare dry fly with 5 metres long tapered leader with tippet from 0,9 mm Hanák Competition Fluorocarbon and put one grey emerger size 20 to the point. Fish were rising about 10 metres upstream. I get down on knees and after some foiled casts I presented fly about 1 meter above the first fish. I saw fish moving to side, watching the and returning back. I tried another fish with same effect, so I changed pattern ….. after I tried 5 patterns and caught only few squirrels I selected one palmer from Lukáš Pazderník size 20 with orange tag, which is always my choice for hopeless situations. After the fly touched down on surface above one fish, I could see, that fish at first became to be little nervous and next started forward and grabbed the fly. I got another three same graylings and lost one, sometimes proper pattern is important and proper imitation of real insect is not the right choice. It was nice practice for oncoming competitions.
For lunch we returned back to cars and my friends surprised me by great picnic, I tested sandwich with crisps for the first time in my life
After lunch we went about 2 km downstream on the path, Grant was amassed by numerous mushrooms growing everywhere on the way back to car I picked up pockets in my vest full of them. At five I had to go home and next day to work and my friends continued to Warm Vltava for the rest of the week.
I cooked at home a Czech speciality from mushrooms – put butter and sliced alien on pan, after few minutes add sliced mushrooms (the best is mixture of different species) and fry it for few minutes, next add a little water, salt and pinch of cumin and cover plate and stew it for about 20 minutes, next add eggs and scramble everything, serve with bread and tomato salad.