(Czech and French Nymphing Secrets in practice)

The fly-fishing courses were originated by the Dutch keen fly-fisherman Robert Borrenbergs in 2003 as the Czech Nymphing Masterclasses. Since 2007, Masterclasses had taken place in South Bohemia in the historical town of Rožmberk nad Vltavou and they have been organised by Robert Borrenbergs, Karel Křivanec and Milan Hladík in cooperation with Jiří Klíma, former captain of Czech fly-fishing team, as “the Master”. Since 2012, the event has changed a little, we have a new organisation team, new schedule and also a new title. But the main spirit has remained the same: a lot of fishing and friendly atmosphere. From June 2016, the base of the workshop moved to Penzion Herbertov located just on the bank of Vltava River in one of the best fly fishing spots in the area.
Recently, I organise small courses for different national teams practising before championships and I also established cooperation with Hungarian Angling Association and I organise for them camp and competition.
More than 350 participants from 14 countries from all over the world have attended our fly–fishing courses, in particular we have hosted fishermen from England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, USA, Canada, Japan, South Africa and Australia. We welcome both leisure fly-fishers and top competitors, the beginners and the advanced, and their personal references are the best promotion for this unique fly – fishing event.
Here you can find reports from individual courses and camps:
Small course for Switzerland friends
2022 Camp Team Hungary
2021 Camp Team Hungary
2019 May Courses Autumnal Camp Team Belgium
2018 Workshop September
2017 Workshop June
2016 Workshop June
2015 Workshop September Workshop June Article in Total Fly fisher by Ben Bangham
2014 Workshop September June Camp for Team Australia Camp for team Holland
2013 Workshop September Workshop June
2012 Workshop June
2011 Workshop September
2010 WorkshopJune Article by Barry Morse
2009 Workshop June Article by John Woods Article by Kai Kalio
2008 Workshop June
2007 Workshop June
If you would like to improve your fly-fishing skills in the company of the top Czech (and World) anglers, to swap fly-tying techniques with other tiers, to visit the best fisheries in beautiful South Bohemia, and to make new friendship with fellow fly-fishermen from other countries all over the world as well as to enjoy a few days of chilled out fishing, you should sign up for the Czech Nymph Fly-Fishing Workshop where:
- You will improve your fly-fishing thinking as well as the reading of the water, which is one of the most important things in fly- fishing
- You will learn different types of nymphing techniques, in large and small rivers, with heavy and light nymphs, short and long rods, with classical Czech and modern French-nymphing setup.
- Important attention is paid on different aspects of dry-fly fishing.
- You will also get basic information and possibility to practise wet-fly and streamer fishing.
- You can spend every evening by fly-tying of successful patterns during our fly-tying workshops led by our guides
- You can establish new friendships with glass of great Czech beer in hand
- in September, you can attend local fly-fishing competition and compare your skills with the best Czech anglers
- You can test for free rods, reels, lines and leaders developed for the nymphing technique by Hanák Competition and next you can buy in the special price
- You can buy everything you need for fly-fishing and fly-tying in Karel´s shop
PRICE (2018)
Price of the workshop depends on the required accommodation (see below):
- One person in single room - 750 Euro
- One person in room in the apartment – 700 Euro (it means, that in the apartment are two rooms and one toilet and bathroom, so two people will have own room each, but they will share one toilet and bathroom)
- Two persons in one room with separated beds in apartment or in double room with separated beds – 1300 Euro (only if two attendants book whole room)
The price includes:
- 6 overnight stays and 5 days fishing, full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
- Lectures in fly-fishing and fly-tying, 5 whole days fishing with assistance by top Czech fly-fishermen.
- Czech state rod licence, fishing permits, information materials and map of fisheries, T-shirt.
- Price does not include travel expenses and insurance
The workshop is kept in English, but we speak basic German.
Maximal number of participants is 20.
If you are interested in attending the next Czech Nymphing Flyfishing Workshop, please contact me on the e-mail address: milanhlad(:-)
CNFW is organised in June or in September. Both dates have their advantages and the particular date for individual season is designed according to the interest of participants and also according to available time of the organizational team members.
Mid June is great time for fly-fishing because of long days and sedge hatch, which belongs to the peak of the fly-fishing season in the Czech Republik, small disadvantages are a little unstable weather and bigger canoe traffic on the Vltava river. But we fish early morning and late evening and during the day we fish smaller rivers like Malše or Vltava in Devils stones.
September is also a great month for fly-fishing because of starting hatch of olives and whole day rising graylings, usually stable weather and less traffic on the river. Shorter days and longer evenings offer more time for speaking, fly-tying, resting and beer. Participants of CNFW can moreover compare their skills with the top Czech anglers during local fly-fishing competition called “Rožmberský cup” held in the middle of September or during Hanak Open competition in the last weekend in September. Vltava river is full of stocked rainbows in good size before the Hanák Open competition, which is ideal situation to practice different nymphing techniques and to test your tackle and leaders.
All participants stay in guesthouse called Penzion Herbertov located just on the bank of the Vltava River close to the best fly-fishing spots. Guesthouse has the best location for fly-fishermen in the area.
Guesthouse offers accommodation in recently renovated rooms of different size, majority in double-rooms with separated beds and apartments composed by two double-rooms with one common toilet. In the second floor, there is located lounge where will be fly tying clasroom and Karel´s shop.
In June, breakfast is served from 6 a.m. to be at river in time for early morning fishing, lunch we usually have at river (lunch packets) or in a local restaurant. Dinner is served in the guesthouse, in June from 6 p.m to be back at river for the evening hatch of sedge. September is more quiet, hatch of olives start usually after lunch and earlier twilight offers time for evening fly tying lessons.
Guesthouse offers also small bar for guests.
The basic equipment for CNFW are two rods, for smaller river is the best fine rod in the length of 9 ft and size 2-3 and for bigger rivers a little stronger rod 9-10 ft # 4-5.
We cooperate with Hanak Competition Company, the recently developing Czech company focused on fly-fishing and offering its own products tested by top Czech competitors as well as products of the world well known producers like SAGE, SIMMS, AIRFLO etc. During CNFW you can also personally test and buy Hanák´s products it in the affordable price.
During CNFW, it is possible to buy all fly-fishing and fly-tying equipment in our small mobile shop. You can test your favourite flies from your home water, you can tie flies according to our best patterns or you can buy flies in our selection prepared specially for the CNFW.
We spend every evening by watching pictures from the day, watching fly-fishing DVDs and by fly-tying. You are requested to bring your fly-tying equipment to actively join the fly-tying workshops.
We fish rivers where the World Fly-Fishing Championship in 1996 and 2014, the Youth World Fly-Fishing Championship in 2004 and the European Fly-Fishing Championship in 2011 were held. The advantage of South Bohemia is the wide range of different types of rivers and also the certainty of good fishing conditions guaranteed by Lipno Reservoir from which the Vltava River flows. Vltava is the longest Czech river and it offers fishing in different types of waters:
Fisheries Vltava 27 and Vltava 28 are large river venues and they are famous for their high density of natural brown trout and stocked rainbow trout of a good size followed by grayling and coarse fish. Deep wading is good experience for every fly-fisherman.
Fishery Vltava 29 P is a beautiful piece of natural countryside located in the pristine valley of the Vltava river just under the dam of Lipno reservoir. The river is characterised by large boulders and hefty native population of brown trout. The upper section is the trophy water with bigger brownies and it is also stocked with brook trout of a good size.
Fisheries Vltava 33 and Vltava 34 are located above Lipno reservoir in National Park of Šumava and they are some of the best grayling fisheries in the Czech Republic.
Malše and Černá (Black) rivers are beautiful smaller rivers flowing through a wooded valley and hosting good native populations of grayling and brown trout.
Vltava 24 is trophy water established in 2010 and stocked mainly by rainbow trout in weight 1-4 kg and brook trout. Fight with these strong fish on nymphing rod is good challenge for everybody. There is also good population of coarse fish and chub over 50 cm and barbel over 70 cm is not rare catch as well as decent pike, perch, ide and asp.
Workshop is organised by Milan Hladík, Jiří Pejchar and Karel Křivanec and we also cooperate with Stephan Allacker from Belgium and Ben Bangham from UK. As guides we invite present top Czech fly-fishermen including members of Czech “A” team for World Fly-fishing Championships. Team is wider and concrete composition is built for every workshop according to number of participants and available time of individual members of the team. All guys are great fly-fishermen with local knowledge, they are our old-well-tested friends and they speak at least the basic English. High quality of fly-fishing and friendly atmosphere are the most important things which we are focused on.
Milan Hladík
Head of the organisational team.
I work as expert for Ecology, Ichtyology and Hydrobiology at a private water management company called “Water Management Development and Construction joint stock Company”. I mainly focus on building of fish-passes. As a part time job, I work as the Fisheries Manager at the South Bohemia Board of the Czech Angling Union. I have extensive experience with organisation of fly-fishing events: every September I organise annual international fly fishing competition called Hanak Open, the most important experiences for me were the 17th European Fly-Fishing Championship 2011 and 34th World Fly-Fishing Championship 2014 which I managed as the International Organiser. Since 2007 I have assisted with the organization of the Czech Nymphing Masterclasses, in 2011 I overtook the organisation of the event and changed the schedule and title and started cooperation with my best friends and fly-fishing personalities.
I collaborated with Karel on his book about Czech Nymphs, I made the majority of pictures. As the active fly-fishing competitor I focus more on local and friendly competitions, I fish the First Czech Fly-Fishing league with my friends in Team Hanák Competition. Although I prefer fishing in rivers, my personal best competitions results were 2nd place in the Czech lake fly-fishing championship 2010 and I also achieved few placements on the stage at lake boat competitions in England. Recently I was the best individual competitor in the Second Czech League 2010, third in Rožmberský cup 2013 in Vltava river, and finally first in May cup 2014, 2015 and 2016 and third in Hanák open 2014 both held in Květoňov lake. I won with my team mates Big River Race in Váh river in Slovakia 2018 and Erik Eikre Invitational 2018 held in Glomma River, Norway
Karel Křivanec
I thing, that it is not necessary to introduce Karel, a keen promoter of fly-fishing and mainly Czech nymphing style, organiser of many fly-fishing events including World and European fly-fishing championships, long-term manager and captain of Czech fly-fishing team. He is the author of many articles in fly-fishing magazines and he has published four books about fly-fishing: “Still water fishing basic” (2003), “Czech Nymph and other related fly fishing methods” (2007), “Liška´s fly-fishing school at Žichovice ” (2008) and “Grayling fishing at Dobrá, Warm Vltava river” (2011). Karel has assisted with the organization of the Czech Nymphing Masterclasses since 2007 and we are very grateful, that he continues this job and he has passed us his experiences. Karel runs his own mobile fly fishing shop and attends all important fly-fishing events across the Europe, and e-shop at Every workshop can start only when the beer is cold and Karel´s shop is open
Jiří Pejchar
Present manager of very successful youth Czech fly-fishing team. Jiří is also active competitor, he organised World youth fly fishing championship held in his hometown Chotěboř in 2007 and cooperated with me on the organisation of EFFCH 2011 and WFFCH 2014. Jiří works as the interior-designer and professional fitness trainer, just now is starting new business as professional fly fishing guide, he speaks good English, visit his web